MAPIL: Where Innovation Happens

Thinkers Developing Creative Solutions for Intelligent Infrastructures and Smart Materials Design

Located near historic Jesse Hall in the heart of the University of Missouri campus, MAPIL is a home to some of the most advanced thinkers in the asphalt industry.

We use state-of-the-art lab tests, equipment, and technologies (including artificial intelligence and machine learning), to design products and publish discoveries related to asphalt materials, flexible and composite pavements, and smart transportation infrastructure.

Take a Virtual Tour
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Our Research

Our collaborators and students perform advanced research on surface transportation materials, specializing in asphalt and sustainable asphalt designs. We’ve worked with organizations such as:

  • O’Hare
  • Windgo

Featured Projects

Visit the MAPIL Facility

Come see for yourself what sets MAPIL apart from other surface materials labs: schedule a guided MAPIL tour.

Email Jim Meister to set up a tour of our facility